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Integrated wiring

Integrated wiring

Product introduction:

Refers to the integrated wiring system according to standard, unified and simple way of structured preparation and arrangement of all kinds of buildings (or structures) in various systems of communication lines, including the network system, telephone system, monitoring system, power supply system and lighting system, etc. Therefore, integrated wiring system is a kind of standard generalized information transmission system. Integrated wiring system is intelligent office building digital information system infrastructure, are all the voice, data and other system for unified planning and design, structured cabling system, provide information, intelligent office material medium, support voice, data, in the future, such as graphic, multimedia integrated application.

System components:

Integrated wiring system from the workspace subsystem, wiring (horizontal) subsystem, main line (vertical) subsystem, equipment between subsystem and management subsystem, complex subsystem of six subsystems.

Areas of application:

Community building, finance, hotels, shopping malls, schools, government agencies, military bases, post and telecommunications, public security, airports, highways, and other fields.

Success stories: jinlong bus integrated wiring, the iron and steel integrated wiring, TOTO (TOTO) building integrated wiring, flag marina glass integrated wiring, etc

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